Friday, June 13, 2008

Are the Elderly Really So Out of Touch?

We all know how it goes.
We all laugh at them.

"What's that thing hanging out of that girl's nose?"
"When I was a child, we wouldn't dare say something like that"
"Music these days sounds like fingers on a chalkboard."

I assume it's been happening for generations really. What I am talking about in case you are confused is how out of touch with youth that old people seem to be.

Many of them don't have the internet. They got their first telephone when they were 25, and their first TV when they were 45. They don't get our music, the clothes we wear, the way we talk.

I am going to just throw this out there. I think I and many others are the same way.

I recently turned nineteen, I should really be in the centre of this. Crazy piercings, blue hair, weird music, but I don't seem to be, and I don't GET it.

I was at a concert the other week with 18000 other people. I got the chance to see some interesting people.

They are so interesting with their weird piercings, tattooed faces, and odd mismatching costumes that scream for attention but the second you look them, they return a look that resembles "You just kicked my dog." I don't GET it. If I want nobody to notice me, I'll dress in plain colors and try to look like everyone else. No one is going to look at me twice if I don't have a 6 inch disc in my ear, or a ring attached to my eyeball.

I turn on my radio sometimes, and think I've turned it to a static-filled no air station when I realize that that is a real song, and a band wrote and composed that song, and that people enjoy listening to that song, and that that band makes a living producing that song. I don't GET it.

You walk by a bunch of kids, and besides a couple articles thrown in here and there, as well as some swears you've heard, you don't understand what they are talking about whatsoever. All of a sudden, sick is amazing, fat is cool, and wicked is what we're all aiming for. And tomorrow, no one will say those words, and then I'll have to learn new words. The English language has changed completely. And I don't GET it.

Even technology, where a guy like me should be king, I see things coming out that are so odd and look terribly confusing that I don't even bother trying to figure out what it's meant to do, because I'm fine with what I've got, and even if I bought one, I just wouldn't GET it.

So there you have it. Old people, while they are hopelessly out of touch, can you really blame them. I certainly can't, because I'm just the same as they are.