Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Pancake Tuesday!

Yah, I know. Its Wednesday. Truth is, I meant to talk about this yesterday. I forgot. Sorry. I suppose I really should be talking about Ash Wednesday, but who wants to talk about a day whose theme is rubbing that grey stuff on your forehead? Pancakes, or head-ash, you decide. I've made my decision.

Growing up going to a private school, we always had Pancake Day. I never thought about the meaning of it, the relevance of the whole thing, but honestly, who in my situation would? It's a day devoted to pancakes. You show up, they put pancakes on your paper plate. What is so hard to get? Sounds like the kind of day I'd come up with if I was running this place. Instead, we get Family Day. Why would I want to eat my family. Liberal psychos.

Until about five minutes ago, I still had no idea what it was about. All I know is that someone mentioned it was on Tuesday to me, and I decided we at work had to celebrate. So we made pancakes for the residents. What a joyous day.

I did some research. Now, I already knew that it came on the day before Ash Wednesday, which is the first day of Lent. What I found out is fascinating! (It's really not.) It's Pancake Day because pancakes look like the Sun.. dot dot dot. I'm not impressed so far. If they wanted it to be a solar thing, why don't they make it Sun Chip and Sundae Day? Helllooo, who wouldn't want both of those things?

I also found out that Pancake Tuesday is Mardi Gras in other places. Let me get this straight. Down in New Orleans, they are partying down the main streets, and I'm here eating pancakes. This day gets worse and worse. We don't even get a day off work.

Oh well. I will continue to obliviously eat pancakes on this day. But I am waiting for my Sun Chips and Sundaes.

And I WILL put gummie worms on it.

1 comment:

kateisgreat said...

Hahaha, you are too funny. I enjoyed this blog.