Thursday, March 20, 2008

Groundhog Day.. again?

A little more than six weeks ago, Punxsatawney Phil gave his long-awaited prediction on the matter of whether or not Spring was on it way.

"Six more weeks of winter!" he declared triumphantly.

Not a surprise. At that point, we had had a pretty rough go of it. Lots of snowstorms, frigid weather, slippery roads. Who wouldn't think it would continue? And continue it has. We are now mere millimetres from breaking the snow accumulation record for Ontario, and in what might be the worst news of the year, there is no end in sight.

I have been told to expect six more weeks of colder than normal temperatures. And not by a groundhog either.

This means that while we aren't expected to have below zero temperatures for much longer, we shouldn't expect warm weather until at least a week into May. Who knows what this will do to our trees, flowers and etc. Most families with pools open up on the May 2-4 weekend or soon after. Where am I going to swim?

And what will this do with the morale of the population. I know this winter more than any before has been bumming me out, quite frankly I don't feel like being bummed out for another six weeks.

Let's just hope whoever decided this to be true is wrong, and that warm weather is coming sooner rather than later. Otherwise, I'm off to California.

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