Monday, January 28, 2008

My Outrageous Blog Name, the 80s, and the Stunning Inability of Some to Do a High Five.

Let me start by saying that I am convinced that literally every blog in the world starts off with the blogger writing about why he has decided to write this blog (someone made him) and fair enough - it's good to know the reasons behind it. Nevertheless, I have decided to become the first of my kind, a pioneer if you will, to not do just that. So you may just never know why I came to the decision of writing one. Adds to the mystery. Chicks dig mystery. Or so I'm told.

Now I'm sure all zero of you that are reading this are wondering about the very odd moniker I've given this blog. Writer's block will do wonders, but we can break it down.

Buttercup: This one is attributed to the sport of squash - one that I am determined was created for men between the ages of 30 and 55 that are slightly overweight but are in surprisingly good shape, or at least so it would seem. I really feel like the minority when I make my way to the Y. Ninety percent of the squash players fit that description, and despite my being 20 years their junior, and not overweight (well maybe a little, but I'm working on it), and in good shape, I can just tell these guys would all soundly kick my ass. But hey, I'm a rookie.

Me and Andrew, my main squash playing friend, decided that we wanted squash-type nicknames. He was to be the classic, Butternut, whereas I started researching. All of the kinds I saw were kind of boring: acorn, spaghetti, etc. And thus, Buttercup was born. I had some headbands made online to celebrate the occasion. Embroidered and everything. They seemed cheap, $9.50 each. After shipping, and other fees, over sixty bucks for two headbands. Oh well, they were worth it.

The Fist of Legend: I recently purchased Rock Band. Best game ever, might I add. If you don't know the premise of the game, it's Guitar Hero with bass, drums, and singing added. So much better.

Now, to some of you, Fists of Legend may just be the title of a Jet Li Movie (either him, or that other Asian martial artist who chops tables). For me, it's the name of my brother and I's band. And we rock. Hard. We have something like 350,000 fans, we play gigs from Seattle to Reykjavik, we have our own jet, and I've got sexy long hair. So realistic. We'll be coming to a venue near you soon.

A good friend of mine Ms. Julie, has her birthday party this week. (Happy 20th to her) Theme: the 80s. Now I'll admit, I was a bit skeptical of this theme from the beginning. After all, I was only alive for a little more than seven months of it, and I'll be honest, I didn't pick up all that many fashion tips. However, after a bit of research, it seems like the easiest decade ever to dress up for. You just wear bad clothes. Badly. It's basically just like my regular life. You have to make sure the clothes are bright colors, and they have to clash horribly. Shiny was in. I went to Value Village the day of, and picked out this fantastic outfit: Shiny purple tearaways (ok, maybe 90s, give me a break), a bright t-shirt, and a clashing track jacket. Throw in aforementioned headband and some wristbands, yellow socks and some oldschool sneakers, you got yourself a nice one. I'm seriously considering wearing this outfit just regularly, I love it so much.

At the party, I was having a nice chat with my friend Kate, when, for whatever reason, we exchanged a high-five. Let me just say, it was the worst high-five I have ever experienced. And hey, I'm not being mean, we've talked thoroughly about this. This high-five had no emotion. There was no relaxation in the arm or hand, it was stiff as hell, and it just bounced back. It shouldn't bounce. It should be smooth and flowing. I quickly taught her all that I know about the high-five, and thankfully, she has improved, albeit a bit slower than I had been hoping. I started going around the room to show her how easy it is, and how pretty much everyone knew how to do it. I was appalled. I swear that barely anyone knows how to do it anymore. Now, don't get me wrong, everyone has their own style, but you should at least be able to do it without embarrassing yourself. I am honestly going to start a school for this. That's how passionate I am.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

codyy said...