Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Lottery Scratch Cards and the 2008 US Election.

I want you people to know something. I am writing this blog despite it causing me extreme pain. I sliced my finger on a can of tapioca pudding yesterday. It was not a very good day. It bled and bled, to the point where I would wipe the sink clean of blood, but then more blood would just be in it, despite my finger not even being over the sink. It was quite confusing. I double wrapped my finger in bandaids, as tight as I could. I stuck a glove on and resumed my job. I looked down after two minutes and the entire finger of the glove was soaked with blood. I went to the nurse's office, and she triple wrapped it with gauze. Even after this, it was coming through. So now, every time I type a letter with my index finger, it kills. And I type a lot with that finger. Enjoy this. It's full of spite.

I am a scratch card fanatic. I almost can't walk by a post in a mall and go in a store that sells them without buying a couple. But I'm serious when I say this, I don't do it for the money. It's about the thrill, and some of the games are just damn fun to play. I mean, you can play Tetris now. Freaking Clue. Scrabble. Tell you what, I'd pay $7.95 to put Tetris on my phone. Why do that when I can play it for 3 and have a chance at winning 65 trillion dollars?

Most people lose all the time. I don't however. Now, I never win big, the most I have won on a ticket that was for me is nine bucks (I bought one for a friend that won twenty-five) but usually I'm able to make most of my money back. For some reason, I have been saving my tickets for about a year and a half, minus a period inthe summer when I went almost daily, trading in tickets for more tickets, but that's dumb. I've got about 15 tickets, worth 64 dollars. I've literally got 64 bucks in front of me as we speak. It's a nice feeling. But now I've got a decision. What do I do with the money? I'm gunna let you decide. Let me know.

UPDATE: My finger is now bleeding again. Bllod on the keyboard. Thanks guys. Appreciate it.

The last thing I want to write about today is a little issue I have had pertaining to the 2008 US Election. Anyone who doesn't know what that is can skip to the end. I won't be offended.

I have had two friends come up to me and ask: "So who would you vote for, Obama or Clinton" To which I respond, "Do you mean who would I vote for to represent the Democrats?" No. they mean president. Newsflash people: There are two parties (two main ones at least.). One is the Democratic, the other is the republican. In a little while, only one of these two is going to be running for president. So my response to both has been neither. I'm Republican by nature, why would I vote for a Democrat? Most of the people I come across only even know of these two, because the media has made them. If the media elected president, Democrats would win 90 to 10 every time. Thank goodness they don't. Most of the media loves to make Republicans look worse than they are, and hide all the crap that the Democrats have done. Is Bush as bad as people think? Heavens no. Go up to five people, ask them if they hate Bush. Five of them will say yes. Ask them why. Majority will generally say a single word, whenever they have picked up, usually just "war", or something like that. What about the war? They don't have an answer.

I'm not asking you people to be Republican, or anything like that. I just want you to open your eyes. There are two parties. And come election time, despite what the media will tell you, it will be close, just as it has been for a while. Do your research. Look deeper. You might actually learn something.

As for that question, if you are asking who would I rather have run the Democrats. Obama. Clinton just wants to be president to make history. Just so she can say there has been a woman and she was it. I have no problem with a woman running either my country nor the US, but not this one, please.

That's all I've got right now. I've gotta go stop this bleeding and then watch Lost.

1 comment:

Dave said...

A lot of people here don't really understand how the American system works, really (despite how you get all these Canadians who spout off on US politics all the time...). I've talked to a couple of people about it, and I get a lot of the same two things over and over again:

A) Either they think Obama and Clinton are running for different parties, or
B) They don't think the Republicans have a chance.

When it comes to point A, well, there aren't many high profile candidates for the Republicans. I mean, they're competing against the potential first woman president and the potential first black president. Even if the media isn't left-leaning to begin with, which they generally are, both of those stories write themselves.

The Republicans? Well, they have Rudy Giuliani, who doesn't have a chance of getting the nomination (although, I would guess he carries the most name value... one of my friends thought that it was a 'free for all' type system like we have here, with Obama/Clinton/Giuliani all in it to win it. That's obviously wrong, but that was the thought. When I explained the nomination system, they figured the winner of Obama/Clinton would take on Giuliani. Wrong again. Speaking of wrong, am I butchering his name?). Beyond that, there's McCain and Huckabee... no one knows of Huckabee and I only do because I've done some reading on this, and I'm surprised McCain isn't more widely known, but then, I really only know of him through reading up about the steroid scandal in baseball, which isn't everyone's thing.

As for B), well, that depends on who gets the nod, obviously. I think if McCain gets it, and judging by today he probably will, he can take it, though it will be close. If Huckabee or Romney or whoever else gets it for the Republicans, it won't matter. From what I can see, they're too controversial on the issues to take it over the more milquetoast Obama/Clinton.

If you have someone who is relatively bland on the issues, it will probably come down to who the country is comfortable with voting for. I think that in a vote, an old white guy wins that vote over a woman or a black man. I think McCain is that guy, so the Republicans shouldn't be written off as they are. But, if Huckabee or someone like that gets it, it won't come down to a comfort vote, because he's controversial about what really matters and the other two aren't.

Just my thoughts.